Ride4Rehab 2021 polkupyöräilytapahtuma Tanskassa on peruttu Tanskan ulkopuolisilta osallistujilta Covid-19 pandemian takia
23/06/2021 - 01/07/2021 | 12:00 | Ride4Rehab Denmark
Tiedote 23.2.2021: Tilaisuuden järjestäjä on perunut osallistumisen Tanskan ulkopuolelta tulevilta.
Tanskan uheiluliitto yhdessä Tanskan Veteraanijärjestön kanssa kutsuu kaksi suomalaista pyöräilijää 23.6.2021 alkavaan polkupyöräilytapahtumaan.
Tässä tapahtuman tietoja englanniksi:
On behalf of The Sports Confederation of Denmark (DIF) I would like to invite two injured veterans (men or women) from Finland to participate as riders in Ride4Rehab 2021.
In 2021, for the third time, the DIF Soldiers Project together with Veteransupport, Denmark under The Danish Veteran Association, will host a major cycle event, Ride4Rehab, for physically and mentally injured veterans, men or women. It extends over nine stages and 766 kilometers throughout Denmark.
We will commence on June 23rd in Aalborg and will conclude in Copenhagen on July 1st – the day prior to the Tour De France grand depart (also in Copenhagen).
For the first time, Ride4Rehab have invited international participants with the hope of seeing participation from Finland, the USA, Norway, Germany, Sweden and Britain.
The event serves several purposes. Most importantly it aims to create a great experience for the participating veterans. In addition, we would like to spread awareness of the DIF Soldiers Project and strengthen the effort to move people from ”military to civilian”. Our main goal is to have the injured veterans integrated into the existing association life.
You can read more regarding Ride4Rehab (in Danish!) here: https://www.difsoldaterprojekt.dk/ride4rehab
The price for each Veteran participating (2 riders & 1 resource persons) is DKR 10.500 which covers:
- Transportation in Denmark, clothing for the bike event, accommodation, all meals, closing event on the last night and other equipment.
Not included in the price is:
- Transportation to & from Denmark, bikes, and possible participation in the training session (April 9-11, 2021).
We will off course help you in all matters and in any way we can, and we very much hope you have the opportunity to participate.
We have in the Ride4Rehab support staff participation of two English speaking psychologists as well as two physiotherapists and a bicycle mechanic.
If you have any further questions do not hesitate the person in charge of the project, Thomas Gram from DIF Soldier Project (tgr@dif.dk / 2049 3575).
If possible, advance notice is requested as soon as possible, latest by September 15, 2020